Getting started here again and happy about it.
My next task for the site is to set up micro-post exports. I want to be able to have a quick line or two without a title and have a watched folder set up to allow me to grab text files that I’ll use to hold these micro-posts, which I imagine coming from iA Writer on my phone. (I may default to Notes for that though. Will have to see.)
On the tech side, set-up should be simple. I want to auto-name notes for these posts to a date and time. That’s simple enough which a stamp or on-add action after import. The tricky part is to update my export template. I don’t want these micro-posts to appear on the homepage feed with a title. Sounds easy enough but I currently have a conditional setting up export titles and figuring out how to update it has proven to be surprisingly hard.
Basically, I need to test for a prototype. If it’s the micro-post prototype, then I want there to be no title displayed on the feed. If it’s not this prototype, then I want to run the current conditional. Sounds easy enough, but I’m having trouble sorting out the nested conditional. I want, roughly something like “if the first condition is true, do nothing, else run this second conditional” but I haven’t figured out how to say “do nothing” yet.
à suivre…
Posted October 17, 2024